Tuesday, December 30, 2008

LiBeRaTiOn aFtEr WeeKs oF SaDnEss

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I finally went out yesterday after a long long period of sadness and sickness. The people I went out with were as warm as ever. Nothing had changed. On Monday, I went out with JieRen and Waifu in the evening. We ate at a restaurant in Wheelock Place whose name I can no longer recall but started with the alphabhet C. Ken's recommendation: Don't go there. Not good. After dinner, we went on a birthday present hunt for Waifu's girlfriend. Eventually, he didn't get anything but we had a weirdly fun time looking at ladies apparels....?! :)

Today was a long, tiring and thoroughly fulfilling day. In the morning I met up with Qihao. We then boarded the train and headed to railway mall to meet up with the office gang. Jill looked as cute as ever and Miss Amanda was as ever-elegant. Larry, Darren, Qihao, Joel, Daniel and the other new NSFs were also a bundle of fun. I enjoyed the simple meal that we had at Subway. After that, I travelled to Junction 8 where I met up with Jelvin. We had a meal at Pasta Mania. After which we randomly walked around J8 for some window shopping. At about 1530, I went down to City Hall to meet up with Benjamin a.k.a. Bong. Since he was to reach at 1630, I walked around by myself for an hour. Personal time.. :) So I met up with Bong and we went for Coffee at the Coffee Club in Raffles City. At about 6pm we went to Orchard to meet up with JieRen. After some window shopping we decided to catch a movie at Shaw.

The movie we watched was Twilight. It was awesome in my opinion. Being a fan of such brand of stories, I thoroughly enjoyed myself during the movie. Although the ending seemed somewhat rushed, the good looks of the lead actress and actor and general storyline remained impactful throughout the movie. I wish I was a vampire too...!! :) Seriously... :) I'll give it 4 stars out of 5 stars.

After the movie, we went for dinner at a restaurant called Cedele. The food there tasted normal but I thought it was worth the money as it was fresh and healthy. After dinner, we went on a chocolate hunt around town and eventually boarded a bus to Plaza Singapura where we bought the chocolates that we were looking for.

Thus ended the perfect day, full of perfect friends, with good food and a great movie....

...As TiMe GoEs By...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

PoSt ExAm/ StAgE

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I went for a Kboxing session with all my Physics buddies after the final paper on the 3rd of December. It turned out to be the most fun time I had all year. Even the atmosphere of the place we went to karaoke at was hilarious- There was a smoke thrower and electrifying disco lights....

In the evening, I went for dinner with JieRen and we tried some Japanese Western fusion desert. After some random window shopping, we met up with JieRen's girlfriend, Constance and went to watch Madagascar 2. Halfway through the movie, I got the worst news of the year, about my grandmother. The air ticket was purchased on the spot and within a mere span of 10 hours, I found myself seated on Singapore Airlines.

Consequently, I didn't have enough time to pack. So I had to buy winter wear. It was freezing cold there. Anyways, I went down to a mall to buy some sweaters and I was forced up on stage to sing at a concert that was taking place in the mall after the management found out that I am from Singapore and my cousins told them that I could sing.

Ps: Excuse the first few seconds of horizontal footage...

Friday, December 26, 2008

BaCk FrOm ThE SaD

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

19 days in India straight after my last exam paper. My grandmother bid farewell to the world. I'll always remember her for the strong lady that she was. She had the courage to bring and establish my family in Singapore when all was lost. Took care of me when my parents were separated and taught me the path of the good. Cradled me and my family through our darkest hours when we lived in extreme poverty. She worked and toiled hard for me and my mother. She'll always remain in my fondest memories. My dear grandmother.
...Always In My Memories...

Thursday, December 4, 2008


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

My amigoes, I'll be away (overseas) for a few weeks due to my grandmother's death.

God bless....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

LaSt DaY iN ThE LiBrArY

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Today marked the last day in the library as the final paper is tomorrow. The library gang today consisted of Jelvin, Patrick, myself, Amelia and Loraine. Zhuangli has finished her papers... :) Was surprised by Aini in the evening who popped by to study with us.

Jelvin and Patrick engaging in Intellectual Discussion

Aini and Loke engaging in Him/Bimbotic Discussion... :)

Okayzz... I gotta mug for my last paper now. Then its time to warm up the vocal chords and stretch the legs cause its Kbox in the day and dance through the night day tomorrow.... :):):)

...YoU LiGhT uP mY LiFe...

Monday, December 1, 2008

HaiRsTyLeS GaLoRe

Lo AnD BeHoLd...

Was just looking at the number of crazy hairstyles I've had... And this is just a preview of the stuff I dare to display publicly.... :)

Curry-Puff Hair

Chau Ah Beng the 1st

The CowBoy Look

The Boy-Boy Look

Dragon-Ball ZZZ


Chau Ah Beng the 2nD

Blue Teary Eye Boy

Oops, Charmander Again

NUS Student Look


My personal favourite: The Long Disturbance

... I WaNt iT aLL...

ExAm ReFleCtiOns

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

When Ken tries to study in the library...

When Ken tries to study in his room...

With Huimin at Yamaha

Meet WanTing the 'Knowledge Stealer'

Mugging for exams has been a roller coaster but I'm glad I shared the seat with the correct people. Japanese paper today was unpredictable and deceivingly 'do-a-ble' as always. Fingers crossed. Sunday was a very hectic day. Studied with Amelia the entire day. P.s. Thank you for the bfast.... :) We went to Fong Seng for lunch. Just as I was complimenting the good weather for tanning, it started to pour cats and dogs. So I went out to get a cab to chauffeur Amelia to the library and me to my next stop, Yamaha at PS.
Went to meet up with Huimin for some singing. Continued mugging with Amelia when I came back and eventually joined Patrick, Shida, ShingYee and ZhuangLi at Sheares for more mugging. Tried the supper at Kent Ridge too. Didn't really like it though. The chicken fried rice was a little bland.
Just one final paper left. The toughest of them all. But I guess where there's a will, there will be a way. Just in case I've neglected some people during this period of mugging and in time to come, rest assured all of you are very very important to me. Presence does not always manifest sincerity. Its the thought that counts.... :)
P.s. I seriously think Jelvin should go back to targetting Gwen. I make a lousy target board. Seriously... :) And ZhuangLi Shouldn,t read books with disturbing faces looking at me from the cover.... :)
...TaKe My HanD, I'll TaKe ThE LeAd...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

MuGgEr SaTuRdaY

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The feeling of overcoming one of the toughest hurdles as deeemed by you is splendid. Just had my PC2131 paper today. Lunch with my Physics buddies was great and what I needed. Especially with Gwen around. Haven't laughed so hard in a long long while. Wednesday is approaching ever so fast. Then its overseas trips and clubbing all the way... :)

Studying with Jelvin in a library now and will be mugging with Amelia later. Yes, I know its a Saturday. To play hard, you need to work hard. Nothing comes free. But when in the correct company, even hard work is fun and worth savouring.

... JuSt WaNnA Be WiTh YoU...

Friday, November 28, 2008

ExAmS... ExAmS...

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...
I never knew I had so many pics with young kids.... So gay... :(

Mind me for being weird, but I'm really looking forward to all my exams. The rush of adrenaline and funny feeling that you get in your gut when you know you are going to exert wits against your greatest adversary, your own, internal limiting factor, yourself and your mental prowess.

This morning I was just having a conversation with Jelvin regarding the Singapore education system. The sense of competiveness throughout a student's life eventually eliminates his or her interest in the particular subject. But having said that, the individual shouldn't be moved by grades or exams because they are still studying their interest with a tinge of stress sprinkled upon the main course. However, the fixed syllabus that is required for assessment of a student's understanding inevitably brings about little room for exploration. Still a very controversial issue.

I could sense myself getting impatient as I was talking to Jelvin. So unlike me. Must be the exam nerves.

Did I ever tell anyone how much I love Mariah Carey. Such a pure yet powerful voice. I'm really looking forward to the Kbox session with my physics buddies after my last paper. Interesting how I'm getting close to them only at a point where by life lies at the crossroads of two faculties. So much uncertainty... Faculty, results, SEP... Don't get me wrong.. I love uncertainty.

After my last paper last semester, I made a move which I still regret sometimes, but only sometimes... :) I should start studying now. Electromagnetism paper tomorrow. May the force be with me....!!!

... JuSt WaNnA bE WiTh YoU...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1sT EXaM/ ThE LiBraRy

Lo AnD BeHoLd....

Had my first exam today. Whether it went well or bad is secondary. The accomplised feeling at the end of a module overwrites everything. To be at bliss with the fact that you have acquired so much more new knowledge... :)

Mugged at the library with WanTing today, or what she termed as a 'Steal Loke's knowledge' session. Don't worry, I've plenty to share... :)

Studying with Jelvin and Patrick in the library has been a blast. I spent most of my time last semester in the library till I became phobic of it.

This is how cool. Patrick, Zhuang Li and I have the same phone- E-51
...NoW oR NeVeR...

ExAm ThEmE SoNg

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I always have a special theme song during all my exams that just keeps playing on my computer whilst I'm studying. Last semester, it was Bleeding Love by X-Factor winner Leona Lewis. I personally feel, that her performance of bleeding love was the best ever on American Idol where she appeared as the guest performer. Especially towards the end where all her powerful yet lovingly vulnerable notes enchant the audience as they are visually dazzled by the display of fire-sprouts in her background.

My first exam at 5pm today. Finally. Get Ready! Game On!

..ThiS iS tHe LaSt ChAnCe 2 GeT iT RiGhT..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

HaRrY PoTtEr & tHe HaLf bLooD PriNcE

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

What a great, great way to end this year....!! The next best thing after HSM3.
Who wants to watch it with me... ? :)

Fear not, those who have never read the book or watched any of the movies. I shall write a synopsis of the story so far after the exams.

... NoW oR NeVeR...

sLeEp Pls Cum

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Something is so ubber wrong with me. 3rd night in a row I'm wide awake. Totally cannot fall asleep. So frustrating. So irritating.


Monday, November 24, 2008

LiBraRy = BoRiNg... FaCt oR FiCtiOn?

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I think Jelvin is damn pro. He knows who all my close friends are just via description eliminating the need for me to talk to him about them in third person context when I tell him about them.

I ended up studying in the library togather with Jelvin today and was later joined by Ashwin. The session was very productive contrary to what I thought would be a futile attempt to study in the santuary of silence and boredom that is the library.

...NoW oR NeVeR...

sLeEp DisOrDer

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The fact that I was wide awake the entire night and am still wide awake is seemingly disturbing. I guess its a blessing in disguise knowing that I'm so alert without any sleep. Hence there's more time to do things. Yet at the same time there's this anxiety that I might just drop dead at any moment due to the total lack of sleep. Who'd really care anyway.

Back to work.

..TaKe iT BaCk 2 dE pLaCe WhErE yOu KnoW iT aLL BeGaN..


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

**I've decided that I'm going to stick to my 2 decisions**

I have never been complacent or arrogant my entire life due to my humble background. Always the gentleman. Yet today it feels very disturbing, an anomility in your life, when people who have never worked with you before, who barely know you for what you stand, place judgement upon you through unguided and rash assumptions.

The truth is I don't really care anymore. My service has always been to the nation. Such petty and meaningless arguements just get in the way. They just tend to make you soft. Don't get me wrong. I'm not rigid and inflexible. I have total composure and understanding of what is happening and how the whole world feels. What happenned was due to a series of wrong moves that I made leading to irritating consequences and emotional flips.

Never, ever compare my work to my behaviour in school. People change with surroundings and the nice guy you see everyday can be a soldier when he has too. Never doubt that.

.. TakE iT BaCk 2 ThE pLaCe WhErE YoU KnOw iT aLL BeGaN ..

Saturday, November 22, 2008

DeciSionS MaDe / FRiEnDsHiP

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

*** I have made two important decisions today***

Sometimes, you see a special friend in some people. Naively, you think that the other enjoys your company as much as you enjoy theirs. Hoping things will be just like kindergarten where no one thinks deep enough to create complications. Sadly, that is not always the case. People are always more complicated than they appear to be and what you deem as a gesture of friendship may end up sending the wrong vibes.

Guess everything said, all relationships are built on the basis of trust and understanding. The 'feeling' must be present. If the 'feeling' is gone then why torture yourself in investing in the relationship any longer. A shallow school of thought some might say. But I think it eliminates room for uncertainty and misunderstanding.

People should really learn to cherish people around them, because some gone might choose to never come back even though they know they are being foolish and stubborn by making such a rash decision.

...TaKe iT BaCk 2 ThE pLaCe WhErE u KnOw iT aLL BeGan...

Friday, November 21, 2008

uLtiMaTe RuNniNg FiAsCo

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Today was not a very productive day in terms of studying and everything was on a lull. Little did I know or foresee that midnight would bring upon me a new challenge.

At about 12 midnight I went over to Ashwin's room. According to plan, we were supposed to run 27km. So we stretched, warmed up and set off at about 0045. I knew my body was on low endurance as I had recently run 20-km, took IPPT, recovered from a fever and had swollen feet. Nevertheless, I decided to push myself.

Half an hour into the run, my swollen feet and shin started to give way, so I couldn't keep up with Ash. I told him, go on, we'll meet again later. I struggled with the pain all the way to the 10-km mark. Then a miracle happened. As if by magic, the pain in the shin totally vanished for the first time in my life. Mind over matter.

I pushed on harder than ever before to catch up with Ashwin who was nowhere in sight. So I continued running to Newton Food Centre. He wasn't there. I continued running to KK hospital. He wasn't there either. I continued to Little India mrt station. He wasn't there as well. I figured he would be smart enough to come back by himself so I headed back.

Ash ran more than the planned 27km and I suspect I might have just almost completed my first full marathon. A special thanks to Ash and Hongyi who were on the verge of searching for me. But I turned up in time.... :)

Whilst I was bathing, Ash rushed to Macs to buy a meal for the both of us. I was very very pleasently surprised and touched. The double burger was very filling. Then I stole Ashwin's milk and Ribena. Thanks alot, Twin....!! :) A great way to end a running fiasco.

...NoW oR NeVeR...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

JaDed PaSsPoRt

Thats my trying to study hard face.... :)

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

JieRen was trying to flirt with the lady at Crystal Jade so I sensored the pic... :)

Yesterday, I went to Queensway with Ash. Tried some famous Claypot Laksa there which I though was quite sumptuous apart from the fact that it made my stomach and mouth go ablaze.
In the evening, got the chance to try some great tasting ice-cream.

After having my breakfast with Jelvin and Patrick this morning, I headed to the ICA buiding to collect my new biometric passport and VISA application. It was drizzling and I got totally drenched. Now, I keep sneezing.

Went for dinner with Jieren in the evening. Crystal Jade at Harbourfront. This Crystal Jade looked more 'atas' than any of the others I've been to before. The view was quite good too. JieRen got the good seat... :)


...TaKe My HaNd, I'LL TaKe ThE LeaD...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...
Last night, I was watching a show called 'Life With Derek'.

Tracy: Dad, people think I'm worked up because I always try too hard.
Dad: Tracy, you'll accomplish great things because you dare to go the extra mile.

Some food for thought. Always believe in yourself and your abilities.

I really believe that the SAF deserves thorough credit in its ability to diminish boundaries between men from all walks of lives, races and even age groups, all serving as one united entity, the driving force. This morning, I was just having a Physics Discussion cum casual chat with my Physics lecturer, Dr Yeo.

Of course we started talking about Physics and then we went into discussion about school life. Eventually, we stumbled upon the topic of our days serving the nation. The tone of the conversation totally changed from that of mentor and student to that of friends, of course with all due respect on my part. We talked about careers and why I choose to carry on with the Proffession of Arms. A morning seriously well spent.

Somehow, somewhere, I forgot that my main duty has always been towards the nation. I guess with University life it is easy to be carried away by the influence of friends. HOWEVER, when its time to have fun and go wild, soldiers can do that. But they should never ever forget their underlying duties and reason for choosing a career with the force.

Monday, November 17, 2008

ExAm FeVer

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Exams are coming! Exams are coming! Anyways, met up with Huimin on Sunday afternoon and tried out the Jazz rendition of O Holy Night. Its seriously good stuff. Can't wait till Christmas.

In the evening, came back to hall and met up with Patrick for some term paper discussion. Went over to Kevin's place in the night for some mugging. After finishing my online assignment, Kevin suggested heading to Holland Village for supper and more intensive mugging. So we did. As luck would have it, on the way back the entire network of ATMs in Singapore was under system maintenace from 3am to 5am, and we had just enough cash to pay for the meal.

So the dilemma now was, How do we get back to NUS at 3am in the morning with no cash. Eventually, I activated Stuck who was more than willing to help pay for our cab first. Thanks Bro....!!!

Today, Patrick and Jelvin knocked my room and called my HP respectively to ask me out for breakfast but I couldn't wake up and the swell on my foot hurt like crap. Was very touched when Patrick bought lunch back for me.... Thanks man..!!

So now I am in LT3, mugging with fellow twin Ashwin. Its freezing cold here. Seriously, but condusive all the same.

Side-tracking: Ash can MSN with his Ipod Touch

Ashwin says:

Ashwin says:
I love u!

sKyWaLKeR- GeT ReaDy GaMe On....!!!! --わたしはロークーです。 says:
tomoro run 27 click

Ashwin says:

sKyWaLKeR- GeT ReaDy GaMe On....!!!! --わたしはロークーです。 says:
up 2 u... im game on...!!!

Ashwin says:
Means today i no run

Ashwin says:
Ok then today run 5km

sKyWaLKeR- GeT ReaDy GaMe On....!!!! --わたしはロークーです。 says:
ok... Ash likes sausages with mustard

Ashwin says:

...JusT wAnNa Be WiTh YoU...

Friday, November 14, 2008

LaSt DaY oF ScHooL

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

After completing a 20km run with Ashwin, I slept over at his place. I was very touched when I went to the washroom just for awhile and came back to find my bed nicely laid out for me. He even gave me his checkered blanket. The best part, he bought me Toblerone Chocolate some time ago and presented it to me last night. Heavenly stuff after a long run. Thanks man!

In the morning, Jelvin made my day by messaging me," Loke, I'll be going to Church tonight, so I won't be in hall. Remember to take all your meals on time....." Its always the thought that counts. 100 gestures that involve material stuff pale in comparison to a single phrase that can make someone happy.

Upon reaching my room, Yuting nudged me on msn and created some retarded conversation with me early in the morning. Of course we discussed Japanese as well. Just what I needed to start my day.... :) In the afternoon, I went for lunch cum Japanese oral discussion with Yu Ting followed by lunch again with Ashwin.

Japanese oral was one of the most fun things I've done in NUS. Seriously. Yuting and my smiley TC Sensei made the experience all the more rewarding. Am going to miss all my Japanese teachers. せんせい、ありがとございました.... :)

To end the day off, I went to Long Beach Restaurant at East Coast Park to celebrate Qihao's birthday. He messaged me two weeks ago and physically called me last night again. How could I miss such an important person's birthday man... Happy Birthday dude...!! Anyway, just for his sake, I had my virgin experience of crab meat... Argh!!

I am quite happy to know that for every person who treats you as a person of the moment there are a few others who are always there to bring you up.

...NoW oR NeVeR...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

2Nd LaSt DaY oF ScHooL/ HSM LiVes On

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Met Steph after so many days today. Happy to know that the feeling is still inherent today even though our lives have moved on...

The last TB class of the semester. Parting is always a sad affair but who says goodbye is forever... Right Jill....? :)

Finally finished my will of watching HSM3 for 5 times. Now I've mastered all of the cheesy lines and moves. Shall test them out...
.... Its Gonna Be a Night To Remember....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ReTarD cLuB PreSenTs : bLeeDiNg LoVe

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Presenting Retarded Ash and Crazy Ken in bLeeDiNg LoVe ... The manifestation of what 2 guys are capable of when they get high at 4am at night... :) So all the wrong notes are excusable... Come on man, its for fun... wooohoooo...!!! :)

... NoW oR NeVer! GaMe On...!...


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

When someone dares to 'spit-swear' with you, you know that fate and destiny has fostered and forged a bond between you and the other that will last through each and every thick and thin of life. Both buddies cannot ask for more.

Today was a hectic but fruitful and enjoyable day. I had my breakfast with Jelvin and set off for my last Japanese tutorial A of the semester. The tutorial class with 12 ladies and only two guys. After having my final Japanese quiz and bidding farewell to my Jap 1 friends, I rushed to Science to deliver my experimental physics presentation. Was very touched when Shida shook my hand and said, "Loke, I wish you all the best regardless of whether you stay in Physics or move to Political Science." Those hours of lab, lectures and tutorials fostered a sub-conscious bond amidst me and my fellow Physicians that I'm going to miss when I change my faculty.

I was very happy with delivery of the presentation and the 3 lecturers' comments. It paid to spend 8 straight hours right till 4am in the morning coming up with elaborate slides that exhausted many of the possible questions that the lecturers could ask.

After the presentation, I went to meet up with a friend at Compasspoint and visited my parents for a short while. On my way back, Kevin rang me up and we decided to head to the Japanese supermarket at Clarke Quay to shop for groceries. In the end we didn't buy anything much but it was the great company that counted.

After the detour to Clarke Quay, I came back to TH with Kevin. Then we met Qian Wen. Of course, seeing Qian Wen activated my retarded mode and soon enough all three of us were having retarded fun. Then, I went to visit JieRen and spent some time over at his room.

The grand finale was Ashwin's room. My objective of going to TH. We are going to record a song tomorrow, hence we needed to practice. The practice session was great fun and soon enough we started doing retarded things like putting on cool caps and making retarded music videos that you can tune into in Facebook.

Thus ended an ideal day.... Sometimes life brings us upon crossroads. The determining move should bring about joy that will last and not serve as a mere enigma or apparition for a limited, superficial time.
All, I wanna do is be with you
There's nothing we can't do,
Just wanna be with you
And no matter where life takes us
Nothing can break us apart
You know its true
I just wanna be with you..... :)
... CaN I HaVe ThiS DaNcE...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

4am PoSt

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I love hall life. Its 4am in the morning and I've just come back from a jog around NUH. Bought some food on the way back. I counted the number of steps along Shepard's path as I ran up--87

Track training today was fun as usual though I couldn't perform well. My neck still hurts even after I went to the doctor and he injected it. I can barely turn it beyond a certain angle. Wonder if its my pillow...

Tonight and tomorrow seem to be two consective times where boundaries cannot be drawn between day and night. 1 major presentation tomorrow and the final Japanese test of the semester.


Do you want the last strawberry?


This might very well be the best strawberry in the world and you wouldn't know cos you ae not going to eat it.

You were right.... :)

So here's the thing, your Freshman's honour Programme in Stanford...

... CaN I HaVe tHiS DaNcE...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

LaNgUaGe GaLa

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

School is coming to an end at such a rapid pace. But even as exam fervour is high, fun is in the air. I've been more goofy in class than I was all semester. How fun is that. Someone thought I was half Chinese for the third time this week. Then I spoke in Malay to confuse the person even further. By the time I said something in Chinese, Japanese and Hindi, the person was drooling with shock, or so I exaggerate... :)

Thanks Yuting, for that hour long dinner. Remember guys can take Japanese 3 and Green Tea desert is not weird.... :) So random....

...ShOoT..! ScOrE..!...

Friday, November 7, 2008

HSM3 4tH TiMe

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

So many things have happened over the past few days that its hard to describe them all. My presence materialised in the theatre for the 4th time to savour the flavour of the joy that is the melody of High School Musical 3 today. When am I going to find a girl whom I can waltz with on the roof too, under the rain. Sounds cheesey? Not to a hopeless romantic it does.

I've been meeting many of my old friends lately with a sudden influx of new friends. I do not know how it is happening but it is. Had lunch with Wan Ting and Ronald. During Japanese lecture, sat with Pamela instead of Stella and gang for the first time and we both left early. Met up with Mark for tea-break. Went for a all left hander's meal with Jelvin and Gwen. Went for a heavy dinner with Kevin at Holland V and the list just go on.

In the midst of this frenzy, I am more focussed than ever. This is the last chance to get it right. You know that and I know that. So dates can wait, love can be put on hold. What is important now is what we need to own.

... WiLdCaTs, GeT ChA HeAd In ThE GaMe !! ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

HsM 3 FrEnZy FerVoUr

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I want to start this post by thanking Jelvin for voluntarily waiting for me for dinner when I went to watch High School Musical 3.

Yes, I did. Watched it for the third time at Vivocity all by myself. It was kind off fun being all by myself lost in my own world, my own music, my own thoughts.

...cAn I HaVe ThiS DaNce.... :)

My wEeKeNd LiFe

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

On Saturday afternoon, I went for brunch with Jelvin to NUH. I just found out that there is such a vast array of food over there. To think I spent almost the whole semester walking to Fong Seng to buy food each time I got hungry at wee hours of the night. Well, better late than never.

I have many overseas trips to plan for at the end of this semester. Have to set priorities. Today, Andy just asked me to Vietnam along with Wendy and Jelvin. Sounds fun to me. Its always the company that counts and company where you can be yourself at that.

Spent some time with Kevin this weekend. Went to Queensway for some retail therapy and lunch after. At night we had supper at Holland Village and bought some groceries from cold storage before retiring back to hall. The meal at Crystal Jade at Holland Village was really very good and I found myself enjoying every single bite of the various dishes we ordered. For the record, I had a very bad experience at Crsytal Jade once with Ashwin and I black-listed it for some time. Great food, great comapany.

Today was my race against time as I attempted to please Princess Gwen with a lab report in shining armour, or so I thought so. In the evening, went to do chin-ups with Kevin after which I went for my own personal run. The feeling was amazing. The adrenaline pumping in my blood, HSM3 songs being blasted into my ears and the thrill of running aimlessly in an unexplored part of NUS, not knowing where you might end up, what you might find, whom you'll meet, the curiousity and fascination of a little boy all over again.

Just came back from supper with Jelvin. Supper felt heavenly to me after I spent the whole day just eating nuts like a chipmunk. Missed every single meal of the day.


Take my hand, I'll take the lead
And every turn, Will be safe with me
To be afraid, Afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you, Through it all

And you can't keep Us apart
Cause my heart Is wherever you are,
It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone, Like you
It's one in a million, The chances of feeling the way We do
And with every step together, We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?

...tHiS iS ThE LasT ChAnCe To GeT iT RiGhT...

Friday, October 31, 2008

KeN'S FriDay DiArY

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Tremors and vibrations were felt followed by a swerve of music that filled the room at 8am in the morning. Ken reached for his ringing phone alarm and silenced it. Rubbing his eyes and stretching himself he dragged himself out of bed as the 3 other clocks in his room chimed to a similar beat. He braced himself for the long day ahead.

Knowing that he needed his daily dosage of caffiene, he had his breakfast with JunKok as his attempts to wake Jelvin up from his deep slumber were all in vain. Ken knew that if he didn't do some work in the morning, he would not be able to do so the entire blessed day. An undisputed timeframe of mugging ended with a lunch gathering with Caleb in the Science Canteen. The end of lunch marked the beginning of the day.

He was notified at lunch that his mother was going through her operation at that very moment. Though he was nowhere near worried or a state of panic he felt that someone could have at least alerted him. Maybe there was a error in his own ways when he told his family off for contacting him so often. Knowing that there was nothing much he could do to rectify the situation he decided to carry on with the day's to-do list.

The sun seemed to be scorching hot. Feeling a tad bit agitated that all the buses were full, Ken walked his way to YIH to make payment for some outstanding fees. He then carried on the journey, on foot, to the Computer Centre to collect his new matriculation card. The presence of the jovial girl at the counter made his day and he beamed to himself as he exited the fateful joint.

Upon checking his watch and accessing the situation, Ken decided to take a cab to his next stop, Bukit Merah Police Station. He had lodged a police report for some lost belongings some time ago and it was time for him to collect the physical report. As the report needed an hour to be processed due to the busy atmosphere of the police station, Ken made his way to the nearest Hawker Centre, bought himself a glass of sugar cane juice and made an attempt to do his Japanese homework.

The materialisation of the report in his hands manisfested the fact that Ken could now head to CMPB to get a replacement IC. At the place of huge proportions, he travelled to two variant buildings in order to satisfy the requirements of the IC replacement. All went well though he was dissappointed when he was told that he needed to make a new passport as his old one had reached its maximum validity date.

Whilst travelling back, Ken pulled his textbook out of the back and studied for the test that was to come at 5pm. A wave of exhaustion came over him due to the lousy weather, lack of sleep and some other issues that were cluttering his mind. He convinced himself that every other thing was secondary. This is where is 'now' and 'now' is what will bring him to the future. So, now deserves to be cherished and set as the epitome of the happiest memories possible.

Once back in school, Ken went for his Japanese lesson. Though tired, the jovial and exciting atmosphere of the class made his day. Ken soon realised that he was talking and making noise to an extent he hadn't done for the entire day. After class, he decided that it was time to visit his mother at the hospital.

KK Women and Children's hospital greeted him with a cluttered taxi lobby. Dodging people, Ken made his way to the post-operation ward where his mother was housed at the very moment. Upon entering the ward he saw his father sitting by his mother's side holding on to her hand. His mother was still unconscious and a series of gadgets surrounded her entire being. The oxygen mask placed upon her face made the sight all the more pitiful. Ken decided to comfort his dad and spoke a few personal lines to him for the first time in his entire life.

With the crucial period approaching, Ken told himself that despite the severity of anything he was going to remain happy and motivated as he always has been his entire life. He was joined by his best friend, Jieren. Though extremely tired and full of the aches the meeting really cheered him up and soon enough Ken was into muttering all kinds of jokes that had no ends and random comments that just caused people to roll their eyes. A dinner at a Japanese restaurant was followed by a shopping spree where Jiren kept forgetting his mission to buy his girlfriend's present by being distracted.

The long shopping spree ended with him and Jieren heading to The Grand Cathay where they bought tickets to watch High School Musical 3. While chilling at Starbucks prior to the movie, they were joined by Bong. That was when all craziness went loose. They joked, they laughed, they talked. Ken even managed to catch a glimpse of a girl that managed to hold his attention span for at a whole minute. She was cute, he deemed.

Ken watched the movie for a second time and enjoyed it as much as his virgin experience. The songs were as catchy as ever and Ashley Tisdale set the stage ablaze. Upon the ending of the movie, Jieren and Bong coffessed to Ken that they were never fans of such movies. Ken was humbled and touched by the fact that they watched the movie just to accompany him.

Thus a exhausting day ended on an a high note. Ken retired to his hostel room not knowing what his future was going to bring upon him but knowing that he would always be ready, vigilant, steadfast and strong, the qualities of an officer manifested in him.

...NoW oR NeVer...

ReFleCtioNs & UpDaTeS

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Life has officially moved on by over a notch this week. I was talking to Jelvin just now about how I've found my 'calling' to be a soldier and how I look forward upon each day to return to the force. Jelvin on the other hand has found his 'calling' in teaching. I guess, as we grow, sooner or later, we have to chart out a generally clear vision of our future so that we may work towards it regardless of the path taken. Hurdles just detour you, they do not alter your general direction.
** Don't worry man, I'm not going to put in a cheesy physics concept in here although I'm very tempted to.. :)

Last night, went with Junkok to buy supper at 3. The epitomy of one's hunger brings one to initiate drastic measures. Thanks man for helping me with the tutorial till 4am. Appreciate it.
Breakfast was with Jelvin, Patrick and Junkok this morning. After the highly anticipated Electromagnetism test, I went for my Japanese class. Thanks to Ivan, I'm officially rated as class clown number 6. Roku-san.... :)

After, a long strenuous period of mugging, Jieren asked me out for dinner. Of course, I said yes. Retail therapy is what I needed. But needless to say shopping with someone like JieRen, you need to humble yourself in front of 'highly expensive' taste. So anyway, we had dinner at Hong Kong Kim Gary Cafe. I didn't really like the cheesy chicken chop that I had but I enjoyed all the same. Its always the company that counts. After dinner I bought 4 different types of chocolate and 1 batch of cookies because I realised I haven't had chocolates since the last time someone bought them for me.

After the dinner, I came back to hall to go for Accapella auditions. I sang "I believe I can fly" as the open category song and sang some scales and a new song they told me to sight-read on the spot. I learnt that I'm more of a pop singer rather than one who'll sing in an Accapella. But I guess its always good to try different genres.

Tomorrow is my lull day. Going to rest in my room. Then its Japanese class followed by more retail therapy with Col Kui, dinner with Bong and Col Kui. Then its the grand finale of the week with me watching HSM3 again...!!! with Jieren and Bong of course. My weekend will be spent it hall too..... yeah

On a closing note, Happy Halloween....... :)

...NoW oR NeVer...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NoW oR NeVeR

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Shoot..!! Score..!!

...aNgLeS BrOuGhT mE HeRe...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

HiGh ScHooL MuSicaL 3

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Just bought the CD today. It came with a huge poster that is adorning my wall now. Hot Sharpay, life rocks. Jelvin just came over to my room and we watched the DVD that came along with the soundtrack- A behind the scenes look at the making of HSM3.
I volunteer to be part of the cast for the next chapter..... :)
Work hard, Play hard, Sing hard....

...aNgLeS BrOuGhT mE HeRe...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

HiGh ScHooL MuSiCaL 3 / PhYsiCs BuDdiEs

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I bet the whole of Cineleisure knows me after the number of times I jumped to perfect this shot... :)

Its 4am in the morning and I just ended another 'intellectually retarded' conversation with Jelvin. Another person whom I can really talk to. Great... :) Today's day was perfect. Even the loss of my wallet didn't dampen my spirit. Well, at least I'll get to use the wallet Bong and JieRen gave me for my birthday now... :)

In the afternoon, I had lunch with Ashwin and Caleb. I realise that no matter the period of time, one always feels very close to his coursemates because one has gone through many a hardship alongside them. I've had my disagreements and tantrum sessions with Caleb, Ashwin and even Brother Kui, but each time we meet, all is forgotten and left behind. We talk like the best of friends. Caleb looked abit tired today though. Take care man. And Ash, do what I told you if not I'll keep haunting you.

In the evening, I met up with Gwen, Jelvin, Patrick, JunKok and Luigi to watch High School Musical 3. I loved it. I know many people would consider it a kiddy show, but I liked it all the same. Ashley Tisdale was as hot as ever... :) I'll give it 3.5 stars out of 5 stars. The outing with my Physics friends was very fun. I realise that the only time I went full fledge retarded to such an extent was when I used to go out with JieRen and Bong last semester. Seriously, magic has been happening the past two weeks. The old Loke is coming back... :)
...aNgLeS BrOuGhT mE HeRe...