Sunday, December 13, 2009

ExAm AfTeRmaTh/ PaTh 2 SeLf DisCoVerY

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The apex of the semester as manifested by the exams was adrenaline pumping and relatively short lived. For some unearthly reason, I actually enjoyed this series of exams. In fact, I derived such abundant knowledge from this semester alone that I daresay, a culmination of the work done in 3 other semesters would have been unable to endow such knowledge upon my being. As soon as the exams were over, I was plunged into a series of activities that rendered time to pass fleetingly fast over the course of the previous two weeks. Alas, I think mere words may not be able to fully express that which I had experienced and learnt from the various activities. However, 'bullets of reflection' are most definitely in order-

1 Dec- Last Exam, Dinner + LAN (Larry and Qihao)
2 Dec- Macritchie Run (Jelvin)
Movie: A Christmas Carol and Shopping (Jelvin)
Dinner + Minds Cafe (Physics Gang)
3 Dec- Gym
Night Cycling (Physics Gang)
4 Dec- Lunch (Benjamin a.k.a. Bong)
Movie: A Christmas Carol (Twin Cousins)
5 Dec- Morning run- Sprints + 2.4km (Chupei)
Lunch at the Airport (Chupei)
6 Dec- Standard Chartered Marathon -42km (Zhong Hao and Chupei)
Cpt. Joseph's Wedding Luncheon
Departure to Phuket (Jelvin)
7 Dec- Phuket - Tanning, Massage, Shopping, Beach, New Moon, Essay Reflections
8 Dec- Phuket + Return to Sg- Supper at Popeye's: Jelvin
9 Dec- Essay writing, Self Reflection + House Cleaning (Me, myself and I)
Dinner (Qihao)
10 Dec- Lunch at Swensons' (PMO Gang + Waifu and Bong)
11 Dec- Practice for Concert + Shopping + Essay Outline
12 Dec- Yamaha Performance Day!
Trip to Patrick's Church

Patrick, thank you for introducing me to such great new people and most of all for the special experience that I had just observing everyone basking in the glory of that which they truly and deeply believe in. Tks bro!!

My essay finally seems to be materializing. I am so excited about it. All I eat, sleep and dream about lately revolves around that essay. Hopefully, my ambition of doing a few other linking essays will materialize vis-à-vis my other commitments.

I have been wanting to do my rendition of O Holy Night for some time now. I never really got to doing it. Today, I decided to just go for it and as luck would have it, it turned out seemingly pleasant. Shall do up a better version when I have more time to... In the meantime, Merry Christmas!!

AnGeLs BrOuGhT me HeRe...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Semestral Thank YouZZ

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

This semester, that is soon coming to an end, has been a real blessing to me thus far. There has been growth in every arena of my life, encapsulated by either physical, mental or even social boundaries. Who would've or even could've fathomed that the semester where some one my best friends were overseas would, on the contrary, pave the path to rediscovering the significance of the many others in my life.

As someone pious would say, an emphasis renewed their belief in God, such emphasis has most definitely fueled my passion to better serve the country. A renewed belief in understanding my obligations to the soil of my country which is given life by each and every Singaporean. After all, Singapore would not be Singapore without Singaporeans and the generations of collective memories manifested within their very minds, that weave together a nation.

To Jelvin, Patrick, Gwen, Sinyi, Wayening, Moses, JunKok, Luigi, Aini and Andrew, thank you for being such great pals throughout the entire semester. A special thank you to brudders Jelvin and Patrick for all the movies, suppers, study sessions. Let's give it a final push for the exams and then we'll all celebrate with the 'mics' in our hands.

To C.P. and A.Z.H, thank you for enduring all the running sessions with me and I apologize for not being able to make time sometimes due to commitments. But you know what guys, we are so going own that race. Just gotta put our hearts and minds into it. To the rest of the SGTians, night cycling was just a start. We are surely gonna do more stuff in the future... :)

To Huimin, thank you for believing in me and helping me out with the song. To those who read this blog: I'm going to be performing- Singing (Huimin playin the piano) at Yamaha Studio, Plaza Singapura on the 12th of Dec. Time Afternoon (TBC). Do come and listen, if you have the time to... :)

To Syaz, Aishah and Halim, I'm glad I finally caught up with you guys, though the circumstance under which we met was not the best of them all. We'll find time to meet up after my exams end.

To Larry and Qihao, little did I know that 1 year after attachment, we'll still be such good friends. Go figure. Qihao, I've heard of devilish plots where people wanna buy you fat ladies a.k.a. epi-centers for your 21st birthday... :)

To my regular bros, Waif, Pek, Caleb, Bong, Ash, PengYu, glad we could find time to meet up this season. Another 1.5 more years to go and we'll all be back doing what we like to do. Finally... :) Yes, Jr you are not forgotten. So how many baby Jrs are there already?? :)

Ok, I gotta get back to studying now. Nuclear physics is great fun. So is Philosophy. Film and Histoy. Maths. Singapore Studies. Yes you guessed it. Its called diversifying the brain. Hence the array of subjects.



Wednesday, October 21, 2009


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The past few days have granted upon me a multitude of experiences that have, in many senses, fuelled my drive and will towards the betterment of the self and inductively society. Drive and will that render one, not as a mere node in the complex network of societal forces but as an individual with visionary ideas that stand adamant when fraught with calamities. Enough philosophy for now :)

Firstly, I attended the NUS Ministerial Forum yesterday, where MM Lee was the chief guest and speaker. I'm not going to raise any points that MM Lee made. Alternatively, I'll illustrate one of the various thoughts that crossed my mind: The foundations for Singapore's peace and prosperity were laid by our forefathers who had the mettle to overcome the odds. Of course, one may very well argue that the early forefathers had barely a tinge of nationalism embedded within them. Their primary life propagating principle was self-survival. An evolutionary instinct that rendered them to achieve and toil for more than they had ever expected themselves to be capable of. In my utopian frame of mind, I do believe that Singaporeans are well aware of time and culture that has elapsed. Yet I question, the very evolutionary instincts that dwell well within our modern day metropolis. Specifically, has the manifestation of material wealth and prosperity accentuated the same evolutionary instincts that made Singapore a sphere of prosperity? Accentuated them in ways that have fuelled materialism and in converse respect to our forefathers, rendered nationalism a function of the economy. In a sense, it culminates to the notion of home VS hotel. Which would you embrace?

I was compelled to write the post above not because of my presence at the forum but because one of my lectures today featured a short film that depicted the harsh and torturous life of the coolies in the olden days. The point to reflect upon is that our society, today, is not merely a function of great men. It is a splendid fabric, in the grand scheme of existence, which has been woven by every past Singaporean.

Lastly, I watched Julia and Julie with Jelvin. As a side point, the movie was awesome. I accord it a well deserved 4 out of 5 stars. My main takeaway from the movie was that life inevitably thrusts dilemmas and calamities upon you that, in many respects, pave the way for disillusionment and distrust. Yet, primary grounding principles that elicit the formation of any goal that you set for yourself should stay adamant. At the end of the day, you might not achieve what you initially set out to accomplish. However, a glance at the path taken that manifests efforts directed toward the goal will bring to light various path-inherent hurdles that were de-emphasized in the stride of the one who attempted to overcome the odds. The one who tried. As cliché as it may sound, many a time, the journey taken does supercede the goal to be achieved.
...aNgeLs BrOuGht me HeRe...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

HaPpY NaTiOnaL DaY SiNgaPoRe.../ OuTiNgs/ NosTalGiA

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I forsee that this is going to be a relatively succinct summary of the events that have unfolded over the past few months...


First and foremost, I would like to wish my Singapore, my home, a Happy 44th Birthday. It might have been hard to fathom that a mere fishing village of yesterday could evolve into the modern day metropolis of today. A metropolis that has proven its value and worth in the international arena. A force to be reckoned with on all fronts be it the economy, the social and moral domain - (Asian Values Debate) and even the political arena with the ability to yield soft power many times its geographical limits.

As Rupert Emerson puts it, a nation consists of ‘a single people, traditionally fixed on a well-defined territory, speaking the same language and preferably a language all its own, possessing a distinctive culture, and shaped to a common mould by many generations of shared historical experience.’ We notice that this description limits us in defining Singapore as a nation at many different levels. For example, we do not share a common indigenous mother tongue even though English serves as our lingua franca (working/ vehicular) languange. Yet, as a nation, we share a common consciousness. A consciousness that is manifested when one feels the affinity towards a fellow Singaporean whilst overseas, far away from home. An awareness that this is the soil that we were born on and this is the soil upon which our hopes and aspirations lie, where our loved ones dwell. The soil that we are obliged and motivated to defend without question.

With the combined effort and aspirations of Singaporeans from all walks of life, I do believe that Singapore is going to prosper further and beyond. ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, ONE SINGAPORE.

The Singapore Pledge

We, the citizens of Singapore
Pledge ourselves as one united people
Regardless of race, language or religion
To build a democratic society
Based on justice and equality
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity
and progress for our nation


I've forged a number of new friendships during my stint at work and old friendships remain strong. Here is a summary of the various outings...

1. Dinner at a Chinese UOB restaurant

2. Felicia's Farewell Chalet

I was the one to do her hair... :)

3. Bowling Outing/ Mongolian Buffet

4. Zoo OuTing

1sT 3D MoViE ExPeriEnce/ AnDy'S Farewell

6. Geylang Dinner

Of course there were many other activities like LAN-ning at Illuma, playing board games at Mind Cafe, having supper at Newton Circus and so forth.

On a suller note, both of my best friends are overseas now student exchange. But, I guess, SEP is an experience worth living and I wish them all the best. Remember to post pics, u guys... Cheers.. ! :)

Looking forward to the National Day dinner tomorrow with some of my friends. School starts on Tuesday. I've gotten all the modules that I wanted and am more ready than ever to go full steam ahead. To end this post, here's a part of a song I sang togather with my friend.

Signing off,


We are Singapore, Singaporeans...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

sPeCiaL SeMesTeR/ ReCoLLecTiOnS

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I miss the inviting slope, the lushous greenery, the concrete jungle witholding homosapiens that I've forged new relationships with. The realm of my work, where everyday was a challenge posed upon me, by myself. The manifestation of a developmental arena, at least in my mind.

I'm doing Psychology for the special semester. It is a pretty interesting module that renders me to ponder upon the basic entities or the primary building blocks of the world that we live in today as perceived by our very senses. What you see, what you decipher and what is actually manifested may all be distinctly distant , yet intricately linked.

Although the module is inevitably heavy, I've had some time on my hands to catch up with people at work, meet up with friends who were about to disintegrate into mere memories :) and even make a trip down to the zoo.

Michael Jackson

To end this post, I would like to pay tribute to the ultimate king of pop, Michael Jackson. Although not initially a fan, I did some research on him after his demise. A musical child prodigy, a gifted singer, terrific dancer, the supreme pictorial representation of a star-studded entertainer. I am moved by his songs that carried various messages to the people of the world.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A bLaSt inTo tHe PasT

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The last time I blogged seems like a mere memory now. Piled with tonnes of school work, with the drive and motivation to push beyond self-restricting thresholds, the love of singing, the love of running, the love of exerting myself physically, to understand that I have evicted all avenues of possible regret from my very being rendered the fabric of time short for me to do many a thing. However, now that time has granted me its hand, I shall finally update this blog with cobwebs.. :)


Exams this time around seemed anything but intimidating as compared to previous semesters. Continuous effort and study is the key to relieving the final crunch. There is only so much that a mind can absorb during a single study session. Hence, constant practice, recall and revision is uncomprehensibly crucial. Shall keep my fingers crossed for the inevitable results next week. I tried my best, and to God I leave the rest... :)


Who would've thought that my Physics buddies would lay the foundations for such an educationally enriching yet fun term for me. Those Friday nights of drinking with Andy and sometimes Wendy, those lunches with Jelvin, those crazy conversations with Patrick, JunKok, Alex, Aini, Gwen, Shi Da, SinYi, LuiGi, Moses, Zara, Wei Ling and Jonathan were all memorable. Especially, the crazy K-box session that we had with the whole gang jumping up and down creating the atmosphere of a mini-club crossed together with an outrageous zoo with animals on a stampede. Thank you cool dudes and duddettes.. Hope to see you for more fun times ahead... :) Also, my new found friend Amelia, we really need to de-conflict our schedules to meet up more often.. :)

Regular Bros

How can I miss out the guys who always found time to meet up with me despite their hectic schedules and girlfriends... JieRen, WaiFu and Bong, you guys seriously rock. Look forward to more 'sandwich outings' and working with you guys in the near future... :)


I took IPPT 11 times within a span of 3 weeks. In some ways it really aided my mental prowess and made my tool of thought alert to a greater extent than ever before. I guess the phrase a healthy body leads to a healthy mind does bear a great deal of truth as experienced by me. I have made it a point to take IPPT every Saturday. Other than your physical prowess, it also imparts the discipline of waking up early in the morning, of following a single physical regime aimed at expanding your very physical and mental thresholds.


It would be a cliche for me to say that I truly love the profession that I am in. And despite many a flaw that I ineveitably see, I believe that it is really my 'calling', where I belong and where I would choose to serve barring any event that would render me useless to the force. (Touch wood). My new colleages are great and old colleages remain close. Jill, Pamela, Daniel, Neville, Cpt Valerie, Cpt Alvin, Maj Cindy (and the list goes on) are people whose presence at work is nothing but a pleasure.

American Idol

My all time favourite idol is Danny Gokey. His rendition of 'You Are So Beautiful' by Joe Krocker was stunning and was undisputedly, what Simon termed as a vocal masterclass. Eventually, Kris won against Adam Lambart. He deserved the title in his own right. All in all, it was a great season and I'll miss each and every contestant in the top 13.

Phuket Trip

For many who didn't know, I took an extremely rushed, yet undoubtedly exciting trip to Phuket together with my Physics buddies Moses and LuiJi. A chronological order of key events as follows:

1. Last exam paper ended at 11am- took a cab down to the airport to catch a flight at 1pm

2. Day 1 in Phuket- Checked into youth hostel- Explored the nutorious Patong Beach

3. Day 2 in Phuket- Took an hour long speedboat ride to Phi Phi and Khai Island, Experienced snorkling

4. Day 3 in Phuket- Scaled a mountain to see the 'Great Buddha' due to hold its name in the Guiness Book of World Records, More shopping, watched Wolverine in a theatre

5. Flew off too Kuala Lumpur to visit the world famous Twin towers, Ate our hearts out and watched Star Trek.

Time To Come

As much of a journey through life this semester has been, the 'highly anticipated' exam results will be out next week. Hopefully, the hard work pays off. More outings with the special people around me, the constant drive and focus to push beyond my self-limiting boundaries, CDF essay, papers at work, IPPT and the practice of my singing and music all serve as entities of my summer plan.

...aNgeLs BrOuGhT Me HeRe...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My 23rD B'DaE :)

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Its been eons since I last blogged. Despite the six modules that I'm doing this semester, everything seems to be good and fine. Been training for IPPT, been socialising with friends, been going crazy over American Idol, been mugging as usual. Everything's swell!

It was my birthday on the 14th of March. As usual, it was as memorable as my previous 20-something birthdays. The series of events began on friday where I met up with the Office gang for lunch. We ate at Swensons and I got my first experience of the ice-cream cake. It rocked and so did the company. After the lunch, I went with Qihao and Larry to bowl at Home Team NS club in Bukit Panjang.

The day advanced with my meet with the Physics gang. I am quite disciplined when it comes to attending school. However, my Physics buddies really endow me with the incentive to look forward to each and every class. I share the same birthday as Wendy Su. So I met up with the gang at Labrador Park. Though the focus was on Wendy's 21st, my friends didn't neglect me and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

After that, I met up with my regular buds. We ate at a Japanese restaurant and went down to Swenson's for desert. The earthquake was ubber filling. It was damn freaking fun. I practically laughed till my inerts hurt and I think I had a chest cramp, if such a thing exists. After a whole day of travelling and going crazy, I went down with Jieren to Girraffe where we got some alcohol and chilled in the open air, with me at bliss wih the world.

All that I've written till now happenned a day before my actual birthday. So for some terrestrial reason, I had a dual day celebration this year. The next day, on Sat, my actual birthday, my relatives kept popping in and out of my house and there was a family gathering in the evening where I cut my third cake. It was fun though I felt a little annoyed that I couldn't watch the soccer match. But Man-U lost anyway... Drats!

After the soccer match, came the part of my birthday that I was looking most forward to. Call me sadistic and sick, but I wanted to get wasted. Hahs! So I met up with brudder Andy and we headed to Wala Walas. I thought the girl on the live band was quite good though she sounded slightly nasally. After drinking upstairs and then downstairs, we decided to head to Kbox to do the thing that both of us like-- Singing our lungs out. We had glasses of whisky there after our beers and cocktails at Wala Walas. After literally singing till our voices were sore and our heads went spinning, we headed down to the Balcony Bar, at Heeren. The ambience was good and I just lay on the couch there at ease with world. We ordered our last drink, the wretched Graveyard. Though it tasted freakingly bad, its effects were fast and decisive. I soon began 2 feel the impact of the alcohol and became slightly wobbly, though still sane. Thank you bro!!!

Here are the pics of the experience. Another year older, anther year wiser... :)

... AnGeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

SeNsE oF NaTiOnaLiSm

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I'm doing two modules on Singapore this semester ; Nation Building and Singapore's Foreign Policy. I must say that my heart swells with pride each time I take a walk down memory lane and try to decipher, from my perspective, the many hurdles Singapore has faced to stand where she is today. Our peace and sovereignty should never be taken for granted. We must ourselves defend this place that we call our home.

... SaLuTe...

Monday, January 26, 2009

HaPpY ChiNeSe NeW YeAr

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Happy CNY to all my friends. This Chinese New has been the most unprecedentedly active period for me. I went shopping with my friends and ended up buying more clothes than them. Last night, I went to Chinatown for the 4th consecutive year in a row on CNY's eve. I crazily bought $90 worth of Chinese goodies!! Total madness, but totally in the spirit of CNY.

...GoNg Xi Fa cAi...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

HaPpEnNinG Siah..!!

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Its getting ubber difficult to blog nowadays. Theres so much to do. For once in my University life I have my ideal timetable. The lectures are all fun and interesting and I have friends in 5 out of 6 lectures. Cool Stuff. Amazing how peoples' paths keep crossing. For example Ching whom I met in Temasek Hall is my Nation Building lecture friend whom I sat with for lecture today.... Had lunch at Engine today with Amelia. The Nasi Panggang still rocks.

... oPeN aRmS...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Life has been moving pretty fast ever since I came back from Vietnam. There was a frantic rush to bid for modules, a CNY shopping spree where I spent more than my Chinese friends, lunch with one, dinner with another, parents off the coast, my house under my nose. Do I sound like I'm rapping...?

Anyways, I have decided to do 6 modules this semester. I guess the greater plan has me embedded as a Physicist and I'm pleased and contented with that. Had lunch with Waifu and Jieren in Chinatown today. Steamy Steamy Dim Sun. I loved it. Then, we went to walk through town where Jieren bought his Pedro shoes. We later chilled at Starbucks where we saw 'Birdstrikes near a Chicken'.

Here are a few more pics of Vietnam and Andy who used me as an unpaid model. Hahas...

... IdoL FeVeR ...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

sHopPiNg SpReE/ HomE aLonE

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Guess we never had enough of Vietnam. Went out with Andy for a pre-school cum CNY shopping trip on Friday. We were later joined by Wendy and Li Juan a.k.a. Triumph Ng. Jelvin tagged along later in the day. It was fun. Travelled all over town, Far East and Bugis. Tried the Nasi Ayam Penyet at some Indonesian restaurant in Lucky Plaza and my tongue was set ablaze. Thank God for the cherryade.

Dinner with Waifu, Jieren and Bong on Thursday night was great as usual. We ate fast-food and savoured desert at a restaurant. Drastic contrast.

My parents will be leaving for overseas on the coming Monday. The whole responsibility of the house will fall upon me. I guess it has become a norm for me to shoulder such responsibilities. To ensure that the bills are all paid, my dog is taken care of, my sisters are studying well and come home on time, cooking, cleaning, buying groceries for the house... etc... So guess I won't be able to stay in hall until they return on the 30th of Jan.

Quite excited about the first day of school. Gonna go run and lift some weights tomorrow. IPPT is coming soon.... A.D.A...!!!

...To LeAd, To ExCeL, To OvErCoMe...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

TriP 2 ViEtNaM

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The Vietnam trip was amazing and the company of Andy, Jelvin, Wendy, Vivian and Li Juan made it all the more meaningful. Who would have thought that Vietnam harbours such dynamic weather and majestic terrain. I guess my narration will not be able to rightfully capture the essence of the trip. So I'll let the pictures do the talking. Here are some. Check out facebook for the rest... :)

... FuNkY MoNkEy ...

Thursday, January 1, 2009


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

Woke up early in the morning today, to go for a run at Macritchie Reservoir park. The run was slow paced and relaxing and the sun on the skin fresh from a country experiencing winter felt good. After the run with Amelia, I went home for a rest and met up with Jelvin in the evening and we randomly walked around town. I should be flying off to Vietnam togather with Wendy this coming Saturday. Although the pain is still there, I think some time with good friends will do me well. Lets hope Vietnam turns out to be fun.. :)

...tHe HaRDeSt tHiNg To Do iS sAy ByE...

GReAt LasT DaY oF 2008 aNd HaPpY 2009

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The 31st of December was a memorable day for me. I was awaken in the morning by a call from my colleagues in office. I then met up with QiHao and Larry for lunch at Heartland Mall.

As planned, today was my day out with Amelia. Prior to meeting her, I explored Wheelock Place and Borders. So anyways, Amelia reached town at about 4 and we both headed to Lido with the intention of watching a movie. Armed with our trusty packet of Cheese Nachos, Sausage Bun and Root Beer, we watched Twilight. I liked it as much as the first time.

After watching the movie, we decided to go for desert at Canele. We shared the Blackforest Crepe because it was crazy huge. After desert, we headed down to Far East Plaza for some shopping. Sales were everywhere. I had a first when we went to try the ice-cream at Gelatissimo. We got a cup of double scoop ice-cream: Mango and Passion Fruit flavour and Honey Malt Flavour. Being highly rebellious, we smuggled the ice-cream into McCafe and finished it there.

We then went down to Jelvin's church to watch his performance at the church countdown party as well as to meet up with Patrick and ZhuangLi. Jelvin's dance item was great. Good job man...!! Knowing that I had to reach home before 12, I took my leave from the celebrations togather with Amelia at 11. Feeling hungry, we had our final meal of the day, supper, at a hawker centre. Once again, the food we tried there was quite nice. We then took a cab back home.

Upon reaching home, I counted down with my family. A day truly well spent... :)

Its 3am and I need to sleep soon. Going for a run with Amelia at Macritchie tomorrow. Its been ages since I ran there. Looking forward to it and the Macdonald's breakfast after that...

Here's wishing everyone a blessed and happy 2009!!

... tHeRe'S a HeRo InSiDe YoU...