Wednesday, October 21, 2009


...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The past few days have granted upon me a multitude of experiences that have, in many senses, fuelled my drive and will towards the betterment of the self and inductively society. Drive and will that render one, not as a mere node in the complex network of societal forces but as an individual with visionary ideas that stand adamant when fraught with calamities. Enough philosophy for now :)

Firstly, I attended the NUS Ministerial Forum yesterday, where MM Lee was the chief guest and speaker. I'm not going to raise any points that MM Lee made. Alternatively, I'll illustrate one of the various thoughts that crossed my mind: The foundations for Singapore's peace and prosperity were laid by our forefathers who had the mettle to overcome the odds. Of course, one may very well argue that the early forefathers had barely a tinge of nationalism embedded within them. Their primary life propagating principle was self-survival. An evolutionary instinct that rendered them to achieve and toil for more than they had ever expected themselves to be capable of. In my utopian frame of mind, I do believe that Singaporeans are well aware of time and culture that has elapsed. Yet I question, the very evolutionary instincts that dwell well within our modern day metropolis. Specifically, has the manifestation of material wealth and prosperity accentuated the same evolutionary instincts that made Singapore a sphere of prosperity? Accentuated them in ways that have fuelled materialism and in converse respect to our forefathers, rendered nationalism a function of the economy. In a sense, it culminates to the notion of home VS hotel. Which would you embrace?

I was compelled to write the post above not because of my presence at the forum but because one of my lectures today featured a short film that depicted the harsh and torturous life of the coolies in the olden days. The point to reflect upon is that our society, today, is not merely a function of great men. It is a splendid fabric, in the grand scheme of existence, which has been woven by every past Singaporean.

Lastly, I watched Julia and Julie with Jelvin. As a side point, the movie was awesome. I accord it a well deserved 4 out of 5 stars. My main takeaway from the movie was that life inevitably thrusts dilemmas and calamities upon you that, in many respects, pave the way for disillusionment and distrust. Yet, primary grounding principles that elicit the formation of any goal that you set for yourself should stay adamant. At the end of the day, you might not achieve what you initially set out to accomplish. However, a glance at the path taken that manifests efforts directed toward the goal will bring to light various path-inherent hurdles that were de-emphasized in the stride of the one who attempted to overcome the odds. The one who tried. As cliché as it may sound, many a time, the journey taken does supercede the goal to be achieved.
...aNgeLs BrOuGht me HeRe...

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