Saturday, May 17, 2008

NSFs...HeRe CoMeS tHe WeeKenD

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

I am quite sad that theres no work tomorrow. I have gotten so enchanted by the nice people of my workplace and my jobscope that I do not feel like leaving the office at all. It has been nice interacting with the newer generation of NSFs and finding out more about their impression of the force. I was very pleased to know that most of them are glad to be where they are and are not consequently living their whole life as a drag. Frankly, I have seldom come across such dedicated NSFs in the office since my days in the unit. QiHao, Larry, Ivan, Daniel and Malcom, keep up the extremely good work and you are bound to go far in life. Bravo!!

On another note I went to the gym with Mr Khee once again today. Can see his biceps are growing bigger, giving me the signal that I have to work harder...hahas.... But I was really motivated to see the fact that he was pushing himself despite his injury. Just goes to show that there is a reason behind why some officers are officers and they manifest their strength of will and swift intellect when you least expect it. One does not know the power of the mind until he threads on the very threshold where the physical being of the individual falters. This was my motto during training and even to this day. Anything can be accomplished when you devote your physical and mental being to it, not forgetting the element of heart (liking what you are doing). After gymming we went to the Jack's Place at Bukit Panjang Plaza (Melissa's Favourite Place) for dinner. Dinner was not bad and the atmosphere at the place was terrific. I just felt like falling asleep on the soft and comfy couch.

I'm looking forward to my DANTE dinner tomorrow. Hope more people turn up if not me and Likhoon will be having a candlelight dinner by ourselves. Oh de wells....

...aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...

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