Wednesday, September 24, 2008

LoNg DaY- fEeLiNg BeTtEr

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

IPPT with Larry and Ma'am Janny didn't materialise due to the rain so I decided to head back to hall where I spent the most stressful 6 hours of this smester trying to come up with a SEP plan. I eventually did manage to come up with one though I think it is not very robust. Guess I'll have sweet-talk the interviewer.

Spent the afternoon with Ashwin as we went for lunch and practiced some tunes in his room. I then went to the Nokia Service Centre in Suntec to collect my phone that was sent for servicing. After spending about an hour at home I decided to come back to hall to study. Decided to drag Ashwin along with me and here I am now, at the Arts Canteen mugging with him.

Going to have lunch with JieRen tomorrow and dinner in the evening with Ash and the AFIMC gang. Really miss all of them. AND....... THANK YOU WYNNE for being so nice too me. Pretty girl with a pretty character to match... :)

...aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...

...aNgeLs BrOuGht mE HeRe...

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