Monday, June 28, 2010

GeRMaNy ImMeRsioN TrIp- ReFleCtiOns

...Lo aNd BeHoLd...

The trip to Germany was in all senses an intellectually uplifting and emotionally stimulating experience. By the trip's virtue as a machinary of immersion, our beings were cast into the academic and social arena that defines life in Germany.

Academically, as I have mentioned before, the immersion was in all regards a Physics Pilgrimage. It is but one regard to go through modules of Physics and understand the very intricacies of nature at a very systematic and textual level. But, the regard evolves when one is shown the metamorphosis of the field- that not all has been done; that there is room for research and improvement; that (barring ethical considerations) a world of our fantasies may be materialized from our very research and consequent knowledge. Cumulatively, one can very well appreciate the motives behind that which physicists do via their relentless initiatives. Having an overlying objective, which in no regards may be considered a mere facade, the potential 'hindrances' involved within the field (such as impossible mathematics) are rendered but a mere hurdle to the ultimate goal.

But of course, a holistic experience cannot forsake social desires and considerations. The Germans are very friendly and hospitable. From basic etiquette such as greeting your peers, to guiding people who are lost, I never witnessed a single German who was reluctant or irritated. Service at the restaurants was reasonably good. Ice-cream was awesome. Architectural splendor rendered even the smallest alley majestic in its own right. Beer gardens adorned the entire city as places of social activity, of meeting, of pleasure. Beer abundant. Greenery Lush.

However, an experience is also a function of those whom you share it with. The people who went with me were my family for the few weeks that we were there. We laughed together, played together, studied together and predominantly, walked for hours on together. Looking back, at least half the memories were shaped by these very people. Thank you guys, for making the trip memorable. :)

What more can I say about an awesome experience at a truly awesome place. This one is for the most significant of my memory books.

...aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...

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