Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Day 3- Macau- The Music In Me...
Day 2 Macau- The Gift of Knowledge
I spent the entire morning in a Macdonald's in LCCT, KL today. It was a time of quiet reflection and sweet solace as I settled some administrative matters. I had a funny feeling of apprehension before arrving in Macau and sure enough the feeling manisfested itself in material form as I reached Macau Airport.
I was singled out from the multitude people, all of various races, meaning racism or stereotypes were probably not their basis of singling me out. I was first sniffed all over by a golden retriever. Then two cops stopped me, showed me their police passes, and took my passport. They started to interrogate me. I answered all their questions calmly. What do I have to hide right? But it wasn't enough. They brought me to an interrogation room, where they made me empty my bag. They interrogated me further and kept speaking to each other in Cantonese. It was a nightmare. Eventually, the female cop made a photocopy of my passport and returned it to me. Way to be welcomed into Macau.
Matters got worst when I turned my handphone on only to realise that my booking for one of the cheaper hotels in Macau had been rejected. Being in a new place, in a moment of desperation, I booked the cheapest available hotel and had to pay a whooping S$130. Sigh. Well, I guess you only live once. The hotel is awesome and the bed is great. Will be living in a 6-men dorm tomorrow with 5 other German guys- $19. A whole lot better.
Upon unpacking, I decided to venture out on my own. I realised that I was on Tapai island. So I took a bus to Macau city after exploring Tapai to some extent. Macau city is where all the action is- Hotels and Casinos galore. I tried one egg-tart and one waffle- That was dinner. Didn't have time to sample more food as I decided to cover as much ground on foot as possible. Thus 9 cross-border attractions in one night.
Today I was thinking about my studies. My entire life people have treated me as the 'smart guy'. I wouldn't say I'm smart, but I try my best. I guess such expectations pressure you to maintain that which you have configured yourself to be in people's eyes. I have convinced myself that learning to me is alot more important than the credit I get for performing well in my studies. After all, I believe when one has it, the ability to be good at that which one is assigned, paper qualifications are rendered secondary. I joined the armed forces to protect my country, to do my best. If they reward me based on merely academic considerations, so be it (such is not the case- there are ample opportunities to showcase your talents. Results are in no way an ultimatum). At least I remain true to myself.
I guess the hard part would be being judged by people at each point in time based on that, of you, which physically manifests itself in front of them rather than that which lies beyond, or even behind-the story behind. That's life right?
aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sitting here in Kuala Lumpur airport whilst waiting for my flight to Macau, the hasty decision which I made suddenly dawned upon me. As easy as buying the ticket was, will travelling in a different land be as easy, emphasized by the fact that I'm on my own and know no one? KL was easy enough. I felt like I was optimally in my element, language, people and all. Macau and Hong Kong are going to be different stories altogether. No accomodation as of now either.
Strangely enough I'm not the least bit fearful. There's this adrenaline rush telling me to live my life on the edge. I guess in the relative world of our dwelling, one does not value happiness as much without facing adversity head on or know of its existence at the very least. Contentment is rendered a function of the prior factors. Philosophical story cut short, such time will allow me to value elements that I often take for granted either consciously or sub-consciously back in my good old Singapore.
Kuala Lumpur -Day 1 of reflection: Wisdom of Speech…
There was so much turmoil inside of me before I began the trip. My priorities were way off course. People who had known me since the good old army days saw me falter, or show signs of weakness for the very first time. I knew something had to be done to salvage the situation. – This is what the me of the past would’ve written whilst embarking on such a journey of reflection.
I still stand by the above. But people relationships have inevitably infused their forms into my being to a great extent. It’s hard to face myself in the mirror knowing the person who once made it his business to put the sorrows of his friends upon himself ends up creating sorrows for those very people. There comes a point in life, where whatever you say or do inevitably backfires upon you, wrecking repercussion after repercussion.
In some situations, the answers are not clear cut. Who’s to blame? Could it have been better had it been done in a different way? Is there a win-win solution? I sound like I’m speaking in riddles, but sometimes the understanding that riddles as such exist allows us to understand the complexities of human nature. The intricacies with which it develops, the profoundness which surrounds its form, akin to the penumbra.
On day 1 of my journey, I pray that God grant me the wisdom of tongue. So that, that which I speak brings happiness to people instead of setting sorrows upon their beings. I pray that God grant me the wisdom and the clarity of thought to think in utmost detail, consider circumstances and repercussions before I speak.
On a side note, I took a 40 minute flight from
In my room now which is uber scary. It’s barely 2m by 2m and there’s a mirror right in front of my bed. How’s that for an eerie night in
aNgeLs BroUghT mE HeRe...
Monday, June 28, 2010
GeRMaNy ImMeRsioN TrIp- ReFleCtiOns
The trip to Germany was in all senses an intellectually uplifting and emotionally stimulating experience. By the trip's virtue as a machinary of immersion, our beings were cast into the academic and social arena that defines life in Germany.
Academically, as I have mentioned before, the immersion was in all regards a Physics Pilgrimage. It is but one regard to go through modules of Physics and understand the very intricacies of nature at a very systematic and textual level. But, the regard evolves when one is shown the metamorphosis of the field- that not all has been done; that there is room for research and improvement; that (barring ethical considerations) a world of our fantasies may be materialized from our very research and consequent knowledge. Cumulatively, one can very well appreciate the motives behind that which physicists do via their relentless initiatives. Having an overlying objective, which in no regards may be considered a mere facade, the potential 'hindrances' involved within the field (such as impossible mathematics) are rendered but a mere hurdle to the ultimate goal.
But of course, a holistic experience cannot forsake social desires and considerations. The Germans are very friendly and hospitable. From basic etiquette such as greeting your peers, to guiding people who are lost, I never witnessed a single German who was reluctant or irritated. Service at the restaurants was reasonably good. Ice-cream was awesome. Architectural splendor rendered even the smallest alley majestic in its own right. Beer gardens adorned the entire city as places of social activity, of meeting, of pleasure. Beer abundant. Greenery Lush.
However, an experience is also a function of those whom you share it with. The people who went with me were my family for the few weeks that we were there. We laughed together, played together, studied together and predominantly, walked for hours on together. Looking back, at least half the memories were shaped by these very people. Thank you guys, for making the trip memorable. :)
What more can I say about an awesome experience at a truly awesome place. This one is for the most significant of my memory books.
Friday, June 25, 2010
GoTTiNgeN, GermAnY- DaY 19, 20 and 21
...Lo aNd BeHoLd...
Last Sunday, our hectic schedule finally allowed for a free day. It was a day of sports, walking, soccer, chilling and inductively bonding. We rose at 4am to hike up a nearby hill, toward a castle from which we could observe the rising sun. Initially, the trail was dark and we had to use torches. The cold showed no mercy but was secondary once our bodies were warmed up from the hiking. After the usually hearty breakfast, some of us hit the games room where we played table tennis, fussball, keglig (bowling), darts and even chess. Closer to lunch we decided to take the arduous task of walking from Maria Springs to Gottingen town upon ourselves. I must say it was an achievement to walk for 2 hours in the cold, chilly wind. I finally got to try Macdonald's in Germany. The wrap was awesome tasting, not to mention filling, by my standards. After our stint in Gottingen town, we headed back to Maria Springs where we spent the rest of the time watching soccer. A relaxing day indeed.
On Monday, we were invited to the PHYWE Company that produces many of the apparatuses that we utilize in the physics labs in NUS. After being shown some of the experimental set-ups and the corresponding apparatuses, we were given a tour of the factory which enabled us to witness and appretiate the entire, somewhat seamless production process. After the factory tour, it was time for some last minute shopping at Gottingen town. The day ended with an intensive game of win, lose or draw which was hilarious as usual.
Day 21, otherwise known as our last day in Germany involved hours of sitting down. We sat for approximately 4 hours on the train that brought us from Gottingen to Munich. We took a train from Munich that brought us to the airport within 40 minutes. The plane ride then took a good 12 hours. It was hilarious how some of the girls like Sinyi and Yoke Leng got all jittery whenever the plane entered a turbulent phase. Gwen even went to puke. How’s that for a memorable plane ride. Back to my dear, sunny Singapore... :)
…aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe…
Saturday, June 19, 2010
GoTTinGeN-GeRMaNy- DaY 16, 17, 18
Gottingen is known as 'The University Town'. Students everywhere, high-tech facilities and anything else you could think of as a necessity of the blossoming physicist, you can find it here. Then, the idea that Gottingen boasts 44 nobel prize winners poses no surprise. After an opening address by the Dean of the faculty of physics, we were given a guided tour around the city. We were brought through its development from the medieval era to present day. As is the case with many medieval European structures, this city most certainly manifests its fair share of splendid buildings of intricate craftsmanship. After the opening speech, we were given a talk on Ion-Beam Mixing- Namely an in-depth analysis of the processes which take place when one attempts to mix two or more elements together. Not a simple process when one has to utilize ideas such as Rutherford Back Scattering and Mossbauer Spectroscopy to account for certain phenomena such as electrostatic interactions and transitions. The day ended with us visiting the main shopping street of Gottingen- where we had dinner.
The hotel that we presently reside at has a Keglig alley. Similar to bowling, but uniquely different- many of us are addicted to this awesome German game. Even Prof. Thomas showed us his skills.
Friday was a full-fledged lecture day. We admittedly did learn a lot. The first lecture was on high energy physics with reference to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN- The idea that proton-proton collision at a certain energy threshold will advent the presence of new phenomena, provide some insights to the evolution of material right after the postulated 'big bang' as well as lead to the discovery of the Higgs Boson reigns hopeful. The second lecture on the mass of the neutrino was equally interesting. I had always thought that the neutrino is a massless particle which is, in fact, is not the case at all. However, presently, we are not able to determine the absolute mass of the neutrino on a scale that starts from zero. Nonetheless, we are able to construct a range between which we expect the mass of the neutrino to be. The lecture thereafter was on robotics. It was quite cool, as we got to see a robot in action. The thing to note here is that people want to build robots that don't merely act upon human instructions, but robots that are able to think for themselves and act upon their own judgment- Robots that are able to learn. For the last part of the day we visited Gottingen University's resident nuclear tandem accelerator. The evening was spent in Gottingen town again, where after having dinner and some beer, some of us walked around the town that was having some cultural event. Soon enough myself, Zhang Jiang, Chang Jian, Chang, Guo Chuan and Gwen were all in the singing and music mood. We sang and played music all the way to the train station.
Today (Saturday), we were given a tour of the nearby castles and ruins by the two Professors escorting us on our trip. In the evening, Chang, Zhang Jiang, Chang Jian, Myself, Gwen, Yoke Ling, Yarong and Pei Shan played win, lose or draw in the hotel's seminar room. The guys won the 'boys versus girls' match... :)
That's all for now... :)
...aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...
Friday, June 18, 2010
MuNicH/ GoTTiNgEn- DaY 12, 13, 14, 15
On Tuesday, we had the amazing opportunity of visiting the German Aerospace Center where we saw first hand how weather observations and predictions are made based on ideas such as the composition of particular and specific atoms or molecules in the air. The lecture was marked with a tour of the aircraft used for such a purpose. At the hanger we saw aircraft such as the 'Falcon' and the G550. Following the hanger visit, we were brought to the German Space Operations Center. There, we were shown the various rooms and consoles that the people on earth use to conduct space operations- Space operations such as the processing of data received from satellites as well as communication with astronauts.
By the way Tuesday was our last day in good old Munich. Hence, we were treated to a farewell dinner. Finally got to try great German Sausages. It was a jovial event which was concluded with the presentation of momentos. I believe everyone is most definitely going to miss Eyleen and Max, our student guides, to a very large extent. They were very sincere in their daily dealings with us. From ensuring that we were on time for all lectures and events to translating the menu for us at almost every meal, they meticulously took care of everything. Thank you guys! :)
On Wednesday, we took the speedy train from Munich all the way to Gottingen, our dwelling for the next 6 days or so. After a four hour long journey where we played card games on the train, we were greeted at the station by Prof. Thomas. We're living at a place called Maria Springs. It's seriously awesome. Serene, tranquil, lusciously green, surrounded by hills and mountains, what more can I say? :) The only comical part is that there is an entire clan of very old people living on the premises of the cottage as well. By old I mean really, really old. On the first day, we were flanked by them from all sides. It was like a scene from some horror movie. Hahs. Wednesday concluded with us heading to the Institute of Astrophysics to star-gaze through a telescope. We actually saw a breath-taking close up of the moon, the planets Saturn and Venus as well as a system of binary stars. I managed to get pictures of all of them.
This sure is a long post. Shall stop here for now.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
MuNicH DaY 11- DaChaU & tHe CoNceNtRaTioN CamP
Monday, June 14, 2010
MuNicH Day 6-10- FuN-nAnZa
Guess I've vividly, though not exhaustively, described the lesson structure of such an immersion programme in the previous post. However, as 'immersion' implies, the trip is not all about studies. What differentiates such trips from normal tours is that you get to mingle with the locals. To experience their culture and ways.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A pHySiCs PiLGriMaGe- MuNicH Day 6,7,8,9,10
Lessons began proper this week. The schedule for a normal day involved us leaving the hostel at about half past nine to head to the lecture venue that may be at diverse locations due to the scattered location of the University buildings. By scattered, I literally mean a difference of half an hour or more.
In Singapore, the acquisition of knowledge is gauged by one's ability to effectively reign supreme in the exams. Consequently, one starts to drift from the initial notion of knowledge acquisition, that was to elicit knowledge that is interesting and hopefully useful to society, to a state that necessitates the acquisition of knowledge for the mere purpose of doing well doing exams. Contrastingly, I would sum up this physics immersion programme as a 'physics pilgrimage'. A programme that is effectively able to not merely impart essential knowledge upon our beings, but able to provide purpose and direction to that which we do. To witness latest breakthroughs and research methodologies.
On Monday, we went through lectures on Quantum physics. Quantum physics is that which differentiates physicists from engineers to the greatest degree due to its sometimes, abstract, intangible and even incomprehensible nature. The lecture revolved around what is known as Quantum cryptography. The usage of such a technique to send securely encoded messages over large distances. Thereafter, we attended a collaquium. I seriously have never attended any lecture with such a large number of old people. People who are probably experts in a particular field in physics. The interesting thing here was that many of these old physicists looked like Einstein- messy hair, wrinkled forehead- Ingredients to smartness or sheer coincidence? :)
Tuesday and Wednesday brought us through the developments in biophysics. Nano-structures that may empower revolutionary changes in the medical arena, in the future- ideas and valid experiments that involve concepts of DNA Origami and Cell biophysics. Notice here how, physicists appear to form the basis of change even in developments that involve the field of medicine.
Thursday and Friday were the most exciting- The whole reason why I came for the Germany Immersion programme. We visited one fully operational nuclear reactor. However, this nuclear reactor is not one that allows one to harness energy, but one that propagates the generation of neutrons needed for experiments and daily applications such as neutron imaging, analogous to X-ray imaging. We then, visited a particle accelerator- a Tandem accelerator to be exact. Thursday ended with a lecture that revolved around ideas involving lasers. Imagine, we are on our way in developing a laser which is as powerful as the sun's energy channeled to the single beam via the usage of a magnifying glass as big as the earth on a surface of 1 millimeter squared. We'll be able to do this if such research reigns successful. Its hard to fathom the power involved. Of course, the lasers will then be put into practical applications in various fields. On Friday, we attended a special type of lecture on electromagnetism. Not only did the lecturer teach, as in a conventional lecture setting- He performed various experiments in front of the class. Interesting indeed.
I daresay, I attended one of the best lectures ever thereafter- A lecture on Astrophysics and Cosmology. The very interesting lecture was able to effectively put across ideas behind concepts such as the composition of the universe- eg. Dark matter. Concepts such as geometry, the metamorphosis of the time-space fabric and general relativity.
Everything was not physics though. Shall continue in the next post. Gotta leave now. Chaozz... :)
...aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 5 In MuNicH- MuSeUm ToUr, WeLCoMe dInNeR AnD BirTHdAy...
...AnGeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
MuNicH DaY 4- CaStLe oF KiNg LuDWiG tHe SeConD
...AnGeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...
Saturday, June 5, 2010
MuNicH DaY 3- LuDWiG-MaXiMiLiAnS UniVerSiTy
Friday, June 4, 2010
MuNiCh, GeRmAnY DaY 1 & 2
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My GeRmaNy StoRy
Deciding not to go for the student exchange programme, I find myself going to Germany today for an immersion programme. Though it seems like a brief period, I figure that there would be loads to learn about alongside the multitude of experiences that would hopefully render the trip full-flegedly memorable. I'm going with 4 girls from my year, the rest are juniors.
I'll keep this blog updated on a daily basis if time permits.
Time to start my mission then.. :)
...AnGeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe....
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
ThE PoWeR oF mEnToRs
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
bLoG aWaKenEd AfTeR ProLoNgLeD HiaTuS
Enough about school though. I've had plenty of social life too. For starters, my birthday was 'an event' once again. I had back to back celebrations that spanned over 3 days- Physics friends, Church, Regular Buds, Family... But of course, the highlight of my birthday was my uniform outing with Aini. We got to re-live our JC days all over again. Ate a kid's meal to propagate the idea further. :) Here are 2 pics to commemorate the occasion...


Time did not permit me to frequent church as much as I would've liked, but I was still well linked. The friends that I had made, kept me updated. I have been consciously mentoring people like Dean, Michael, Joshua, Aaron, who are now like younger brothers to me. (Maybe I'm secretly trying to create my own legion of military experts) Jokes aside, I see alot of untapped potential in these guys. A little nudge in the correct direction and I believe they'll achieve wonders. The highlight of our gatherings was the visit to spooky Old Changi Hospital...

My CG is really starting to grow on me...


Of course what would the year thus far have been without my fellow soldier bros... JieRen, Waif and Bong who is now flirting in France... :)

What is Loke without his exercise regime. Frankly speaking, I haven't had the luxury of time to train as much as I would have liked to this semester. Though I did manage to squeeze in a run on most nights. But hey, the semester is over and I'm going to attempt to push myself physically harder than ever before. No pain, no gain! I guess, I crave the feeling of satisfaction that comes with a good workout.
Being a soldier definitely comes with its quanta of pride.. People often ask me on what is it that drives me? Why do I always appear to push myself so hard? I guess, the root answer is I've found my true passion of serving the country, living a life of medals, of camaraderie. A dynamic, ever-changing life that never ceases to provide me with opportunities to prove myself at every juncture. A life, with the military.
Work as usual, is sheer bliss. June will see me flying off to Germany to see an opportune physical manifestation of the multiple physics abstractions that I've studied over the course of the year.
Music-wise, I got the golden opportunity to perform at the Arts House near the Esplanade. It was a success. Think I shall pick up the piano or the guitar, because singing becomes such a hassle when the instrument you play (alto saxophone) also requires you to use your mouth... -_-
Guess I shall update more frequently from now on... Chaozz

...aNgeLs BrOuGhT mE HeRe...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A New Beginning
** Dear readers, please write in the comment box should you have any. Rest assured, I'll respond... :)
As the coming of the new year dawned upon me, my brain set itself into modes of reflection. The multi-dimensional growth that 2009 imparted upon my being was, in all truth, something that I could have never fathomed on my own accord. For once, achievements surpassed unrealistic expectations, relationships gained new meanings and levels of understanding, patience and maturity of thought reached an all time high. For my friends who read this blog, I want to share something that I learnt in 2009- Despite the intensity at which the odds seem against you, it is very important to 'Keep Looking Forward'. When one door closes, a multitude of doors manifest themselves in various forms at other localities. Keep working, keep persevering. If you fail in gaining that which you desire, the mere journey to its attainment will astound you, render you to discover yourselves in ways that could have been anything but possible. With renewed determination, drive and confidence, I am ready to embrace the year 2010.
Christmasing/ Church
One of my best experiences of 2009 materialized as the year propagated to its end. After my performance in Plaza Singapura, I tagged along with Peng to his church. Who would've have fathomed that I'd immerse myself into the festivities of Christmas at a depth that in unknown ways rendered me anchored to a culmination of entities, both spiritual and social. Intellectually standing at where I am today, I am going to embark on an adventure that I think I've put on hold for long enough. To attain the fruit from the crown of a majestic tree, one has to ensure that its foundations are secure and justified, that its roots hold firm and strong- imparting a sense of assurance, a sense of confidence that leaves no room for regret, no room for contemplation. I guess enough has been said for now. I shall blog about this adventure as it unfolds before my very eyes. As a disclaimer, I am mindful that which I approach is not a science or an experimental formulation. Thought and reflection propagate alongside logic and spirituality aiding me in in exploring the frontiers which I intend to thread.
Phuket Trip
The trip to Phuket was memorable especially in the company of a 'friend less-brother more' person like Jelvin. I still recall the day on which we had to fly. Rising early at 4.15am, I got ready for the full marathon that I accomplished together with Chupei and Zhonghao. Many a times I said to myself, 'Loke what are you thinking? You really think you'll be able to accomplish the entire stretch within the standard you have set for yourself?' Then the other side of my brain went, 'Loke you are a soldier. Soldiers remain calm and focused in the face of adversity. The adversity is here. The adversity is now.' It's not hard to decipher that I was at a battle with myself. A battle in which I proudly emerged victorious. Now its all about pushing the bar that I have inevitably hinged for myself. After the run, I dragged myself home, changed and went for Cpt Joseph's wedding. Though sore in the weirdest places, the wedding was worth it. Especially with the warm welcome that Cpt Joseph gave me. I also got to meet Bong, who in all good-will of our 'Hamburger Relationship' drove me to the airport.
Vietnam BackpackingMany have nothing but a mere inkling of the natural wonder that Vietnam represents. Diverse weather, diverse terrain, a multitude of cuisines and people of various descent and dialect. A tourist's paradise! When the journey was in the stages of formulation, I was apprehensive. Bringing two younger guys into a domain which neither of them had any idea of inevitably em-placed their trust upon my shoulders. I had to deliver as I had promised. From the feedback I gathered, they thoroughly enjoyed the trip that went smoothly. Mission accomplished! As a soldier, I have greater confidence in my situational awareness and navigational skills that have now been tested.
As always, I feel blessed to be in the company of my Physics friends. Though they never brag, I have never considered myself worthy to be in the company of such brilliant people. Sometimes, one's intelligence can well be deciphered from the content of one's speech and maturity of thought. I attained my long-awaited triad of 'A's this semester. Though the knowledge I gained far superseded my emphasis on results. For once, I studied for the thirst of knowledge that rendered the stress that comes when one paves their way toward success secondary. I look forward to a fresh new semester.
A Soldier in the Making
I've done abundant reflection upon my role as a soldier, a defender of the country. As life has moved on and my thoughts have matured, I have been able to shed new light upon frontiers that lay slave to functional fixed-ness in time that had elapsed. I am thankful that my years in University have enhanced my drive to serve my country at elevated levels upon graduation. The drive and passion still burn bright and I long for the day to be back.
AnGeLs BroUghT mE HeRe...